Exercise 3
3c)C Program to convert infix expression into postfix expression
#include< stdio.h>//Standard i/p,o/p header file #include< string.h> #include< ctype.h> #define size 20//The variable 'size' is defined as macro for ease initialisation & to avoid repeated referencing. int top=-1,Stack[size];//Global variables to work in all the functions. char infixexp[size],postfixexp[size];void push(char ch)//push() fuction..... { Stack[++top]=ch; }char pop()//pop() function..... {retun (Stack[top--]); }int precedence(char op)//To know the precedence of operators..... {if (op=='+'||op=='-')retun 1;else if (op=='*'||op=='/'||op=='%')retun 2;else if (op=='(')retun 3;else retun 0; }int main()//main() function {int i=0,j=0,l;char ch; printf("\n\nPlease enter Infix Expression to convert into Postfix: "); scanf("%s",infixexp); l=strlen(infixexp);for (i=0;i<=l;i++) {if (isalpha(infixexp[i]))//Checking alphabets..... { postfixexp[j++]=infixexp[i]; }else if (precedence(infixexp[i]))//Checking operators either to push {int o the Stack or to add it to Postfix Expression.....while (Stack[top]!='(' && precedence(infixexp[i])<=precedence(Stack[top])) { postfixexp[j++]=pop(); } push(infixexp[i]); }else if (infixexp[i]==')')//Operator is closed paranthesis pop all the operators until open paranthesis..... {while (Stack[top]!='(') { postfixexp[j++]=pop(); }if (top<0) { print f("\n\nDue to wrong paranthesis.....Infix is wrong......"); } pop(); } }while (top>-1) { ch=pop();if (ch!='(') { postfixexp[j++]=ch; }else { printf("\n\nfor get to place closed paranthesis in Infix Expresssion......"); break; } } postfixexp[j]='\0'; printf("\n\nConverted Postfix Expression is : ");for (i=0;iint..... pr int f("%c ",postfixexp[i]); print>f("\n\n"); }
gccpostfix .c -opostfix ./postfix Please enter Infix Expression to convertint o Postfix: a+b*c Converted Postfix Expression is : a b c * + ./postfix Please enter Infix Expression to convertint o Postfix: a*b+c Converted Postfix Expression is : a b * c + ./postfix Please enter Infix Expression to convertint o Postfix: a+b*c/(d-e) Converted Postfix Expression is : a b c * d e - / +
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